The Pysae Blog

News and specialized content for passenger transportation operators

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Managing bus detour: Trip Modifications & GTFS

The management of bus detour is a major issue for operators, caused by various factors such as roadworks, accidents or other events..

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Keep passengers informed effortlessly with our real-time display screen

Our latest innovation, the Passenger display screen, makes it easier than ever for your passengers to access the information they need...

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Elevate your passengers' experience with the new Pysae real-time passenger information app

The internet has revolutionized how we access information, while smartphones have unlocked a realm of new possibilities. Today, travelers..

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Iris, passenger counting solution, connected to Pysae

One of the primary challenges that confronts every transport network operator is the ability to gather comprehensive, well-organized, and..

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Understanding operations support platform: essential for transport operators

The Operations Support Platform system, acts as a multifaceted, intelligent resource, serving passengers, ...

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Why passenger information is now a top priority for transportation operators

The centrality of passenger information to the operations of transportation providers hinges on one core objective: ensuring customer...

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GTFS Realtime: essential for enhancing public transport appeal

The GTFS Realtime (GTFS-RT) stream is a crucial tool for transport operators, enabling them to provide passengers with essential real-time..

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Pysae is the first supervision solution to interface with the Hanover Displays PIS via an IP connection

For over 35 years, Hanover has specialized in the design, development and manufacture of on-board electronic Passenger Information..

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Focus on Passenger Information Systems (PIS): how can they be connected to an operations supervision solution?

Display screens, loudspeakers, wind vanes... there are many passenger information systems on board public transport vehicles. But how..

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